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SAP-FI-CO - SIMPRE (Romanian)

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Book - Technologies for e-Business-

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Admin Web Tools

Page Display Window

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Copyright 2012-2017 Vasile Avram

Information Page

This page contains useful information, as a collection of descriptions and opearation guide for the different forms displayed by the website. The descriptions are grouped on separate divisions in which can appear textual descriptions together with html tags to formate them. The description in that way taken for search and indexing reasons. This part is not displayed entirely as a page. The display tools will select the information for a specific form and display that, at user request, witin a separate dialog window.


Avram's ro © "Mobilis in ... mobili!"

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The website contains lecture notes, handouts, practical examples, links to web resources etc. for topics in disciplines curriculums that I teach to students of the Faculty of Business Administration (Facultatea de Administrare a Afacerilor cu predare in limbi straine, from The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE - Academia de studii economice - Bucuresti, in Romania. The topics here not limited to those in the students curricula. It includes results or tests realized on different programming languages, platforms, frameworks etc.
It contains also new topics introduced under a new design and considering the technological advances in web design together with links to the older webpages of the website illustrating in their code the usage of the older Internet technologies. The website pages are build as illustration to the application of different internet technologies and webdesign technologies from past (legacy) to present days (in use).

Press the Menu button to open the Menu Panel where you can access the pages. Press the Close menu (or press again the Menu) button to close the panel. The options of the menu, with except of those in the category Old Website Interface, not all linked to a resource. They updated as the resources developed for mobile case.

The website uses, in its different parts, the following technologies: HTML5, XML, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery mobile, Ajax, Json, PHP, MySQL. The CSS3 for jQuery mobile do not pass integrally the CSS3 W3 Validation checks by few added features which not a part of the standard. More than I found useful the usage of some negative values for tag attributes. The old website passes the validity checks.

This page is not designed and optimized at all for IE (any version) due to efficiency reasons.See statistics

The page rank is:
To certify or check that follow that link and fill the required information Go To Pagerank Checker   (Note. I included this link to avoid the misinformation given to you by a lot of pseudo-seo websites over the Internet despite the pagerank measurement become obsolete.)

The website is mobile friendly. You ca see the report here or you can acees the Check for Mobile Friendly option in the Menu, Webmaster Tools category to access the Google tool.

You can see some of my achievements on ResearchGate:Achievements OR see my personal page on See Stats on ResearcGate

Note ! This website is CREATED requiring knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence and not GENERATED by a tool, requering in general parameters setting for customization, on a specific framework. That is happening because many samples are really applications requiring more specific web technologies and languages. Parts of the pages are generated by fly from content strored in SIK repozitories (a specific structured XML file).

On Menu, Mobile you can see the NASA Live Stream "Earth From Space"

Thanks you for visiting that page and understanding!


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Copyright 2012-2017 Vasile Avram


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This part of the Web Page Will Be Replaced by Generated Form.

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Privacy Policy

Copyright 2012-2017 Vasile Avram


Direct Contact Form

You can find details about applications/ examples/ content realized by Vasile Avram by visiting the website or
Search on the Web: Serch me with Google
You can contact Vasile Avram at e-mail:


You can also contact me by filling the message in that form (use Copy Paste if you want) and then pressing Send (Trimite) button. Press Reset (Anuleaza) if you want erase the message or change your mind.


*) Required field (Must be syntactically correct only!)/ Camp necesar (trebuie sa fie numai corect sintactic!)

Copyright 2012-2017 Vasile Avram

Copyright 2012-2017 Vasile Avram      Privacy Policy    


About Avram's Mobile Applications

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without citing the the publisher and author. The excerpt permited in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For other permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address or use the online contact form.

You can find details about all Mobile Applications realized by Vasile Avram by visiting the website or
You can contact Vasile Avram at e-mail:


Copyright 2012-2017 Vasile Avram


About Avram's Mobile Applications

Privacy Policy Avram'

I take the privacy of your personal information seriously.
I do not share your information with people outside of, without your express written consent.
I do not share your personal information with any third party.


You can contact Vasile Avram at e-mail:


Copyright 2012-2017 Vasile Avram

Spider Simulation - One Web Page Robot

Spider Simulator Tool ©


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To prevent spamming, please enter in the numbers and letters in the box below. If the box is empty press only the button.

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Report Problem with Tool.

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Spider Simulator Tool

This tool alows you to type the URL address of a page in the text box labeled URL [URI] for which you want see what a Spider robot see when visit your page. 

To prevent access of automatic tools that want realize a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attac type the user must fill the code, displayed in the field labeled Captcha is here, in the field labeled Enter Captcha To Continue and then press the button called Submit to Spider.

The report displayed in a separate window contains three categories of information:

- the textual information contained by the web page;

- the relative or absolute address of the images contained by the page and the number of these images;

- the relative/ absolute URL adresses contained by the output links (the href attributte content within the page tags) and thew number of that links.

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Direct Contact Form

Report Problem with Spider Simulator Tool

Fill the message that describe your problem with Spider Simulation Tool in that form (use Copy Paste if you want) and then pressing Send (Trimite) button. Press Reset (Anuleaza) if you want erase the message or change your mind.


*) Required field (Must be syntactically correct only!)/ Camp necesar (trebuie sa fie numai corect sintactic!)


Copyright 2012-2017 Vasile Avram

Copyright 2012-2017 Vasile Avram


About Avram's Mobile Applications

You can find details about all Mobile Applications realized by Vasile Avram by visiting the website or
You can contact Vasile Avram at e-mail:


Copyright 2012-2017 Vasile Avram

Avram's Show Window

Reverse Polish Notation Calculator Tool avrams™ Back

It is enough for that?

Copyright 2012-2017 Vasile Avram

Avram's Show Window

avrams™ Back

It is enough for that?

Copyright 2012-2017 Vasile Avram