
Web - Healthcare Applications

     This page is an entry point to a lot of healthcare tools that can be used by individuals to determine their personal life parameters. Most of them requires a lot of personal antropometric and medical data and computes for you a lot of indicators allowing you better know the status of your health. By using different simulations you'll be able to determine the best lifestyle you must adopt for a health life.Some of the healthcare applications are developed by me and others are developed by other people around the earth. For each healthcare apllication referenced within that page by a link to is indicated the name of the web domain where this resides. The applications realized here and also the data available are examples of using different technologies/ solutions to make data available and processable on the web.

Healtcare Applications Available

1.     This healthcare application is realized in html5 and jquery and allows to compute the body mass index. The application is developed by Vasile Avram and uses the minimized opensource libraries <> and <>. Can be used from mobile devices or from a PC web browser. The only arguments required are represented by the body Weight (given in KG or lbs) and Height (given in meters or inch) and the application will compute for you the Body Mass Index (BMI) and will suggest you which is the boundaries for a healthy Weight. - Determine Body Mass Index (BMI) - [mobile HTML5]

2.     This healthcare application is realized in regular javascript and allows to compute the body mass index. The application is developed by Vasile Avram and uses the techniques required to run on regular web browsers or in mobile devices. Can be used from mobile devices or from a PC web browser. The only arguments required are represented by the body Weight (given in KG or lbs) and Height (given in meters or inch) and the application will compute for you the Body Mass Index (BMI) and will suggest you which is the boundaries for a healthy Weight. - Determine Body Mass Index (BMI) - [regular javscript]

3.     This healthcare application is realized in html5 and jquery and allows to compute the body mass index. The application is developed by Vasile Avram and uses the minimized opensource libraries <> and <>. Can be used from mobile devices or from a PC web browser. The arguments required are represented by the body Weight (given in KG or lbs) and Height (given in meters or inch), the gender, the Waist and Hips and the application will compute for you the Body Mass Index (BMI) and the ratio Lean-to-Fat, and will suggest you which is the boundaries for a healthy Weight. - Determine Body Mass Index (BMI) - [version 2; mobile]

4.     Some values for energy Expenditure depending on activity. Data are collected from different sources and the contribution here is the organizing way, as XML tags containing the data values as values for tag attributes, and the solutions to process.
Energy Expenditure Table-XSL solution
Energy Expenditure Table-XML DOM solution

5.     Ideal values for weights depending on age, gender, and bones types. Data are collected from different sources and the contribution here is the organizing way, as XML tags containing the data values as values for tag attributes, for both parent and child elements, and the solutions to process.
Ideal weights

External Links to Healthcare Applications

1.     This healthcare application calculate life expentancy based on the person's age, gender and some habits that have direct influence to the death rate. Depending on the supplied data the values in the death rate tables are adjusted by increasing/ decreasing the probability and finaly determines a life expectation. - Calculate Life Expectancy - Simple Calculator - [pearl]

2.     This healthcare application calculate life expentancy based on the person's age, gender, height, weight, stress factors, and some diseas that have direct influence to the death rate. Depending on the supplied data the values in the death rate tables are adjusted by increasing/ decreasing the probability and finaly determines a life expectation. - Calculate Life Expectancy - Complex Calculator - [pearl]

3.     This web page allows you to choose between many prognosis calcuators - Estimating Prognosis for Elders


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